// ==UserScript== // @name 宝可梦点击(Poke Clicker)内核汉化脚本 // @namespace PokeClickerHelper // @version 0.1.3 // @description 采用内核汉化形式,目前主要汉化了5个任务相关文本及城镇名称['QuestLineList','CustomQuest',MultipleQuestsQuest','TalkToNPCQuestList','CaptureSpecificPokemonQuest','TownList'],后续可能也许大概会更新脚本吧 // @author DreamNya, ICEYe, iktsuarpok // @match https://www.pokeclicker.com // @match https://g8hh.github.io/pokeclicker/ // @match https://pokeclicker.g8hh.com // @match https://yx.g8hh.com/pokeclicker/ // @match https://dreamnya.github.io/pokeclicker/ // @icon  // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* eslint no-undef:0, no-implicit-globals:0, no-eval:0 */ //储存汉化文本 const Translation = {}; //储存未汉化文本 const RawText = {}; //全局对象 const TranslationHelper = { Translation, RawText }; (window.PokeClickerHelper || window).TranslationHelper = TranslationHelper; //hook任务描述 利用eval节约大量重复代码 function hookDescription(className) { //获取class对象中传参description的index let index; try { index = eval(className).toString().match(/constructor\((.*?)\)/)[1].split(/, |,/).findIndex(i => i.includes('description')) } catch (err) { return alert(className + '翻译错误\n脚本或脚本管理器可能需要更新\n' + err) } if (index == -1) return alert(className + '翻译错误\n脚本或脚本管理器可能需要更新\nindex==-1') //批量hook RawText[className + 'List'] = {} TranslationHelper['real' + className] = eval(className) eval(className + '=' + function (...args) { const description = Translation[className][args[index]] if (description) { //console.log('已汉化'+className,args[index],description) delete UnusedTranslation[className][args[index]] //删除未翻译对象属性 args[index] = description } else { if (args[index]) { //存在部分空文本 console.log('未汉化' + className, args[index]) RawText[className + 'List'][args[index]] = '' } } return new TranslationHelper['real' + className](...args) }) } //任务线hook 不同于其他任务hook 暂时单独写 RawText.QuestLineList = {}; //储存未汉化QuestLine TranslationHelper.realQuestLine = QuestLine; QuestLine = function (...args) { const name = Translation.QuestLine[args[0]] const description = Translation.QuestLine[args[1]] //QuestLine description if (description) { //console.log('已汉化QuestLine desc',args[1],description) delete UnusedTranslation.QuestLine[args[1]] args[1] = description } else { console.log('未汉化QuestLine desc', args[1]) RawText[args[1]] = '' } //需要先new 在对象上挂新属性 const quest = new TranslationHelper.realQuestLine(...args) //QuestLine name if (name) { //console.log('已汉化QuestLine name',args[0],name) delete UnusedTranslation.QuestLine[args[0]] quest.displayName = name } else { console.log('未汉化QuestLine name', args[0]) RawText[args[0]] = '' } return quest } //修改任务线knockout绑定 //在原任务线对象基础上增加一个displayName以储存翻译name,防止JS冲突 $('.questDisplayBlock.questLine knockout[data-bind="text: $data.name"]').attr('data-bind', 'text: $data.displayName') //翻译完毕后还原hook 避免污染原型 const realQuests = Quests; Quests = function (...args) { const hookQuests = new realQuests(...args) const realLoadQuestLines = hookQuests.loadQuestLines hookQuests.loadQuestLines = function (...args) { Object.keys(Translation).forEach(className => TranslationHelper['real' + className] && eval(className + "=TranslationHelper['real' + className]")) hookQuests.loadQuestLines = realLoadQuestLines Quests = realQuests realLoadQuestLines.call(this, ...args) } return hookQuests } //最不优雅 但最省事的方式 #万恶的greasyfork Translation.QuestLine = { "Tutorial Quests": "新手教程", "A short set of quests to get you going.": "一组简短的任务,可以让你了解游戏机制", "Team Rocket": "火箭队", "Some nasty villains are up to no good.": "有些可恶的反派不怀好意", "Bill's Grandpa Treasure Hunt": "Bill的爷爷的寻宝游戏", "Check the hints and bring Bill's Grandpa the Pokémon he wants to see.": "检查提示,将Bill的爷爷想要的宝可梦带过来", "Mining Expedition": "采矿探险", "Explore the underground!": "探索地下世界", "Bill's Errand": "Bill的差事", "Bill has asked you to journey to the Sevii Islands with him to set up a digital connection to mainland Kanto.": "Bill让你和他一起去七之岛建立一个与关东大陆的数字连接", "Persons of Interest": "感兴趣的人", "Some people want to talk to you.": "有些人想和你谈谈.", "Team Rocket Again": "又是火箭队", "Team Rocket is up to no good again!": "火箭队又要干坏事了!", "The Legendary Beasts": "三圣兽", "Investigate the legends surrounding the strange Burned Tower in Ecruteak City.": "调查缘朱市中关于烧焦塔奇怪的传说", "Eusine's Chase": "Eusine的追逐", "Eusine is looking for Suicune.": "Eusine正在寻找水君.", "Whirl Guardian": "漩涡岛守护者", "The Kimono Girls of Ecruteak City need help.": "缘朱市的和服女孩们需要帮助.", "Rainbow Guardian": "虹色守护者", "The Kimono Girls of Ecruteak City wish to speak with you again.": "缘朱市的和服女孩们想再和你谈谈", "Unfinished Business": "未完成的工作", "A request from Professor Oak.": "来自大木博士的请求.", "Land vs. Water": "固拉多VS盖欧卡", "Put a stop to the schemes of Team Aqua and Team Magma!": "阻止海洋队和熔岩队的阴谋!", "The Weather Trio": "丰缘三神", "Put an ancient battle to rest.": "平息一场古老的战争。", "Mystery of Deoxys": "神秘的代欧奇希斯", "Discover the mystery of Deoxys.": "找到代欧奇希斯", "The Eon Duo": "无限宝可梦", "Track down the elusive Eon Duo.": "追踪难以捉摸的无限宝可梦", "Celio's Errand": "Celio的差事", "Celio has asked you to help him set up a digital connection between the Sevii Islands and Hoenn.": "Celio让你帮他建立七之岛和丰缘之间的数字连接", "Team Rocket's Pinkan Theme Park": "火箭队的粉红主题公园", "Help Team Rocket build a theme park on Pinkan Island?": "帮助火箭队在平柑岛建一个主题公园?", "The Three Golems": "三只传说的巨人", "Discover the secrets of the Sealed Chamber.": "找出布告石室的秘密.", "Wish Maker": "许愿星", "Harness the power of the Millennium Comet and make a wish!": "使用千年彗星的力量,许个愿吧!", "A Meta Discovery": "发现怪物", "Help Butler's wish come true, responsibly.": "帮助Butler实现愿望.", "A New World": "新世界", "End Team Galactic's plan to destroy the world and create a new one in its place.": "终结银河队摧毁世界并在其位置上创造一个新世界的计划.", "Recover the Precious Egg!": "找回珍贵的蛋!", "A rare egg is at the Sandgem Lab! Surely it should be easy to hatch one little egg, right?": "一颗罕见的蛋在真砂镇实验室!孵化一个小蛋当然很容易,对吧?", "Zero's Ambition": "Zero的野心", "Help Zero find an entrance to the Distortion World.": "帮助Zero找到通往毁坏的世界入口", "Quest for the DNA Splicers": "基因之楔", "Prevent Team Plasma from using these dangerous Splicers.": "阻止等离子队使用这些危险的基因之楔", "Detective Pikachu": "名侦探皮卡丘", "Detective Pikachu's partner has gone missing, and he needs your help!": "名侦探皮卡丘的搭档失踪了,他需要你的帮助!", "The Great Vivillon Hunt!": "狩猎伟大的彩粉蝶", "Discover the beauty of Vivillon.": "寻找美丽的彩粉蝶.", "Princess Diancie": "公主蒂安希", "Princess Diancie has been spotted in Kalos! She's searching for something.": "有人发现公主蒂安希在卡洛斯!她正在找某些东西.", "The New Kid": "新人", "A new kid from your home town is making waves. Show him who the real prodigy of Pallet Town is.": "一个来自你家乡的新人正在大出风头,让他看看谁才是真新镇真正的天才", "Eater of Light": "食光者", "A dangerous Pokémon from another world threatens the Alola region.": "来自另一个世界的危险宝可梦威胁着阿罗拉地区", "Mina's Trial": "Mina的比赛", "Mina has asked you to battle the Trial captains of the other islands to earn access to her Trial site.": "Mina要求你与其他岛屿的比赛队长进行战斗,以获得进入比赛地点的权利", "Ultra Beast Hunt": "寻找究极异兽", "Track down the mysterious Ultra Beasts": "追踪神秘的究极异兽", "Magikarp Jump": "跳跃吧,鲤鱼王", "Go to Hoppy Town and share their love for Magikarp.": "去跳跃镇,分享他们对鲤鱼王的爱", "The Darkest Day": "暗夜", "Stop the return of the Darkest Day!": "阻止暗夜的回归", "Sword and Shield": "剑与盾", "Stop the weapons from making a mess.": "别弄乱武器", "The Dojo's Armor": "武馆的铠甲", "Obtain the Secret Armor of the Master Dojo.": "获得马师傅武馆的秘密铠甲", "Secrets of the Jungle": "丛林的秘密", "Discover the secrets of the jungle.": "寻找丛林的秘密", "The Crown of Galar": "伽勒尔的王冠", "Help the ancient king of Galar, Calyrex, return to its former glory.": "帮助古代伽勒尔王,蕾冠王,恢复昔日的荣耀", "The Birds of the Dyna Tree": "巨树丘陵的鸟类宝可梦", "Find the Legendary birds of the Dyna Tree.": "找到巨树丘陵的传说鸟类宝可梦", "The Ancient Golems": "古老的神柱", "Discover the ancient Golems in the ruins of the Crown Tundra.": "在王冠雪原的废墟中发现古老的神柱", "A Mystery Gift": "一份神秘礼物", "You have recieved a Mystery Gift.": "你收到了一份神秘礼物", "Togepi Egg Hunt": "寻找波克比的蛋", "A strange Togepi has been spotted, but cannot be found!": "发现了一只奇怪的波克比,但我们找不到它", "How blu mouse?": "蓝色老鼠?", "Apparently a strange blue mouse-like Pokémon might be out there somewhere?": "显然,一只奇怪的蓝色老鼠模样的宝可梦可能在藏在某处?", "Dr. Splash's Research Project": "Splash博士的研究项目", "Help Dr. Splash unlock the full potential of your Magikarps.": "帮助Splash博士释放鲤鱼王的全部潜力", "Let's Go, Meltan!": "去吧,美录坦", "I need your assistance in learning more about the newly discovered Pokémon that has really sent me and other Pokémon researchers into quite a tizzy.": "我需要你的帮助,需要更多地了解新发现的宝可梦,它确实让我和其他研究人员异常的慌乱", "Defeat Rainbow Rocket": "击败彩虹火箭队", "Team Rainbow Rocket has stolen the Meltan research! Defeat them to get it back!": "彩虹火箭队偷了美录坦的研究成果!打败他们把它拿回来!" } Translation.CustomQuest = { "Defeat the Pokémon. Click to deal damage!": "点击造成伤害,以击败宝可梦。", "Capture 1 Pokémon. When you defeat a Pokémon, a Poké Ball is thrown and you have a chance to capture it.": "捕获1只宝可梦。当你打败宝可梦时,扔出一个精灵球,你将有机会抓住它。", "Defeat 10 Pokémon on Route 2. Click Route 2 on the map to move there and begin fighting.": "在2号道路击败10只宝可梦,点击地图上的2号道路,移动到那里并开始战斗。", "Buy 10 Poké Balls. You can find these in the Viridian City Shop.": "在常青市的商店购买10个精灵球。", "Use what you've learned to catch 5 Pidgey. Talk to the Old Man again if you need a reminder.": "用你学到的方法去抓5只波波。如果你需要提醒,去和老人谈谈。", "Buy the Dungeon Ticket from Viridian City Shop.": "在常青市商店购买地牢门票。", "Gather 50 Dungeon Tokens by (re)capturing Pokémon, then clear the Viridian Forest dungeon.": "捕捉重复的宝可梦,收集50个地牢蓝币,然后清理常青森林。", "Defeat Pewter City Gym. Click the town on the map to move there, then click the Gym button to start the battle.": "击败深灰市道馆。点击地图上的城镇移动到那里,然后点击道馆按钮开始战斗。", "Illegal activity is afoot. Clear the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City.": "正在进行非法活动。前往玉虹市清理火箭游戏城。", "Team Rocket has occupied Silph Co. Clear Silph Co. in Saffron City.": "前往金黄市,清理被火箭队占领的西尔佛公司。", "If you take down Team Rocket's leader one more time they will surely never come back from this! Clear Viridian City Gym.": "如果你再击败火箭队的首领,他们肯定再也不会回来了!击败常青市道馆。", "Defeat 100 Normal-type Pokémon.": "击败100只一般属性宝可梦。", "Defeat 100 Grass-type Pokémon.": "击败100只草属性宝可梦。", "Defeat 100 Water-type Pokémon.": "击败100只水属性宝可梦。", "Defeat 100 Fire-type Pokémon.": "击败100只火属性宝可梦。", "Defeat 100 Electric-type Pokémon.": "击败100只电属性宝可梦。", "Bill's Grandpa would like to have a battle with you!": "Bill的爷爷想和你进行一场战斗!”", "Buy the Explorer Kit from Cinnabar Island Shop.": "从红莲镇商店购买地下探险套装。", "Mine 5 layers in the Underground.": "开采5层地下矿洞。", "A biker gang has invaded Three island. They will not let you continue to Berry Forest. Defeat the Biker Goons.": "飞车党入侵了三岛并封锁了前往果实森林的道路,请击败他们。", "Defeat the biker gang's leader.": "击败飞车党首领。", "Find Lostelle. Clear Berry Forest.": "找到Lostelle并清理果实森林。", "Defeat the rampaging Red Gyarados!": "击败狂暴的红色暴鲤龙!", "Clear the Team Rocket's Hideout dungeon in Mahogany Town": "清理卡吉镇的火箭队基地。", "Clear the Radio Tower dungeon in Goldenrod City": "清理满金市的满金电台。", "Clear the Burned Tower.": "清理烧焦塔。", "Defeat Silver.": "击败Silver。", "Find Suicune.": "寻找水君、", "Defeat Eusine.": "击败Eusine。", "Clear Ilex Forest to lead Naoko to safety.": "清理栎树林,把Naoko带到安全的地方。", "Clear the Ice Path to give Sayo a push.": "清理冰雪小径,推Sayo一把。", "Clear the Radio Tower to get rid of any lingering Team Rocket activity.": "清理满金电台,以阻止火箭队的行动。", "Prove your abilities as a trainer to the Kimono Girls of Ecruteak City.": "向缘朱市的和服女孩证明你训练家的能力。", "Defeat the strange Pichu.": "击败奇怪的皮丘。", "Defeat Giovanni.": "击败Giovanni。", "Stop Team Magma at Mt. Chimney Crater.": "前往烟囱山阻止熔岩队。", "Stop Team Aqua at the Weather Institute.": "前往天气研究所阻止海洋队。", "Raid the Team Magma hideout.": "突袭熔岩队基地。", "Raid the Team Aqua hideout.": "突袭海洋队基地。", "Team Aqua's leader Archie escaped from their hideout. Find him in the Seafloor Cavern and put a stop to this once and for all!": "海洋队的首领Archie 从基地中逃了出来。前往海底洞窟找到他,结束这一切。", "Explore the Cave of Origin to find Wallace.": "前往觉醒神殿寻找Wallace。", "Climb the Sky Pillar to find the super-ancient Pokémon Rayquaza.": "前往天空之柱寻找超古代宝可梦裂空座。", "Defeat 500 Psychic-type Pokémon.": "击败500只超能力属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 200 Psychic-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化200只超能力属性宝可梦。", "Defeat stage 100 in the Battle Frontier.": "通过对战开拓区100层。", "Two Team Rocket Grunts are blocking the entrance to Ruby Path. Defeat them.": "两支火箭队封锁了红宝石路径的入口,请打败他们。", "Locate the Ruby. Clear Ruby Path in Mt. Ember.": "寻找Ruby并清理灯火山的红宝石路径。", "Help Lorelei with Team Rocket Grunts by clearing Icefall Cave on Four Island.": "协助Lorelei清理四岛冻瀑洞窟的火箭队。", "Defeat the Three Team Rocket Grunts in Rocket Warehouse.": "击败火箭队仓库的三支火箭队。", "Defeat Team Rocket Executive Ariana in Rocket Warehouse.": "前往火箭队仓库击败火箭队主管Ariana。", "Defeat Team Rocket Executive Archer in Rocket Warehouse.": "前往火箭队仓库击败火箭队主管Archer。", "Defeat Scientist Gideon to reclaim the Sapphire.": "击败科学家Gideon夺回蓝宝石。", "Gain 10 Pixie Plates": "获得10个妖精石板。", "Defeat Team Rocket Jessie & James on Pinkan Island.": "前往平柑岛击败火箭队Jessie和James。", "Oh no! Officer Jenny has showed up. She's not happy! No time to plead your case, it's time to battle!": "哦,不!Jenny警官出现了。她不开心!没时间为你狡辩了,是战斗的时候了。", "Enter the Sealed Chamber to find clues.": "前往布告石室寻找线索。", "Defeat Team Rocket Jessie & James at the Millennium Festival near Lavaridge Town.": "前往釜炎镇附近的宝可梦游乐园击败火箭队Jessie和James。", "Climb to the Mt. Chimney Crater to get a better view of the Millennium Comet as it passes.": "前往烟囱山,当千年彗星经过时,能够更好地观察它。", "Butler has followed you to the Mt. Chimney Crater and is trying to kidnap Jirachi!": "Butler跟踪你到了烟囱山陨石坑并试图绑架基拉祈。", "Butler has escaped through the Jagged Pass and hooked Jirachi up to some sort of machine. Fight him to free Jirachi.": "Butler从凹凸山道逃了出来,把基拉祈抓到某种机器上。请将他击败,尽快解救基拉祈。", "Butler's attempts to resurrect Groudon have gone terribly wrong! Fight the resulting abomination!": "Butler复活固拉多的行动出现了差错!进入战斗对抗由此产生的可憎之物。", "Team Galactic is stealing energy. Clear Valley Windworks.": "银河队正在窃取能量,请清理山谷发电厂。", "Team Galactic is kidnapping Pokémon now. Clear Team Galactic Eterna Building in Eterna City.": "银河团队正在绑架宝可梦,前往在百代市清理银河百代大楼。", "All is quiet. Team Galactic isn't doing anything. Maybe they learned their lesson. Just keep traveling, I guess. Clear the Pastoria City Gym.": "一切都很安静,银河队什么都没做。也许他们吸取了教训,继续旅行吧。击败野原市道馆。", "The boss of Team Galactic has been spotted in Celestic Town!": "银河队首领出现在神和镇。", "Cyrus is gone. Nothing to do but proceed. Adventure awaits! Clear the Canalave City Gym.": "Cyrus已经离开,无事可做,只能继续前进,冒险继续!击败水脉市道馆。", "A commotion was heard at Lake Valor. You must protect the lake's guardian! Clear Lake Valor.": "立志湖传来一阵骚动,务必保护好湖的守护者!立即清理立志湖。", "Lake Valor's guardian was taken. Better try again at the next lake. Clear Lake Verity.": "立志湖的守护者被抓走了,前往另一个湖中寻找,清理心齐湖。", "Lake Verity's guardian was also taken. Only one lake remains. Clear Lake Acuity.": "心齐湖的守护者也被带走了,现在只剩下一个湖了。清理睿智湖。", "You failed to protect any of the lake guardians. They have been taken to Veilstone City. So that's what that strange building was... Clear Team Galactic HQ in Veilstone City.": "你没能保护好湖里的守护者,它们被带到帷幕市。所以,这就是那个奇怪的建筑……清理银河队基地。", "The lake guardians have been rescued, but Cyrus has used them to forge the Red Chain. He is taking it to the top of Mount Coronet. Follow him! Clear Spear Pillar.": "湖中守护者得救了,但Cyrus利用它们铸造了红色锁链,他要把红色锁链带到天冠山。跟着他!清理枪之柱。", "Cyrus planned to use the Red Chain to enslave Dialga and Palkia, but he accidentally angered Giratina and has been taken to its realm. A portal has appeared on top of Mount Coronet. Use it to follow Cyrus and end his threat once and for all. Clear Distortion World.": "Cyrus计划用红色锁链控制帝牙卢卡和帕路奇亚,但他不小心激怒了骑拉帝纳,并被带到它的领域。一个传送门出现在天冠山上。用它追踪Cyrus,彻底消除威胁。清理毁坏的世界。", "Catch or hatch 50 Water-type Pokémon, and see if those boulders are really just boulders.": "捕捉或孵化50只水属性宝可梦,看看这些巨石是否真的只是巨石。", "Time to give those mysterious boulders the soaking of their life! Return to the Eterna Forest, and prepare for a battle.": "是时候浸泡这些神秘的巨石!回到百代森林,准备战斗。", "Chase the fleeing Go-Rock Squad through the Eterna Forest!": "追逐逃离的冲冲队,穿过百代森林!", "Keep chasing the Go-Rock Squad through the Eterna Forest, but... didn't they already pass that tree?": "继续在百代森林中追赶冲冲队,但是……他们不是已经经过那棵树了吗?", "They're using Parasect to navigate the Eterna Forest. Clear out a Parasect and they should get trapped!": "他们使用派拉斯特在百代森林中进行导航。击败一个派拉斯特,他们应该会被困住!", "Now you've muddied the path, continue the Eterna Forest chase!": "你把路弄脏了,继续百代森林的追逐。", "You've cornered the Go-Rock Commander outside the Old Chateau! Time to finish this.": "你在森之洋馆外把冲冲队的首领逼入了绝境!是时候结束这一切了。", "An ex-Go-Rock in Sandgem Town has turned to Pokémon Pinching, and wants to steal the egg first. But after all you've been through to get it, he's in for a rude awakening": "真砂镇的冲冲队成员已经开始进行宝可梦偷窃计划,想先偷蛋。但经历了这么多之后,他猛然醒悟。", "Oh no, you're not gonna let more boulders stop you now. Catch or hatch 50 Fighting-types and smash right through them.": "哦,不,你不会再让更多的巨石阻止你了。捕捉或孵化50只格斗属性宝可梦,粉碎这些巨石。", "Time to head back to Pal Park and teach this little pink snot not to steal important eggs!": "是时候回伙伴公园,去教粉红小鼻涕虫别偷重要的蛋了。", "Obtain 10 Purple Shards.": "获得10个紫色碎片。", "Obtain 10 Ochre Shards.": "获得10个褐色碎片。", "Obtain 10 Crimson Shards.": "获得10个深红色的碎片。", "Clear Sendoff Spring to meet the Lake Trio.": "击败送行之泉遇到三人组。", "Gain 1 Spooky Plate.": "获得1个幽灵石板。", "Defeat Zero to protect the key.": "努力保护钥匙,将击败Zero吧。", "A Team Plasma Grunt in Virbank City would like to steal your Pokémon. Defeat the grunt.": "立涌市的一支等离子队想偷走你的宝可梦,必须将他击败。", "Some Team Plasma Grunts were seen entering the Castelia Sewers. Clear Castelia Sewers.": "有人看到等离子队进入了飞云下水道,清理飞云下水道。", "Seems there's nothing suspicious going on in Castelia City. Time to continue your journey. Clear the Nimbasa Gym.": "飞云市好像没什么可疑的事,是时候继续你的旅程了,击败雷文市道馆。", "Hugh thinks some Team Plasma Grunts in Nimbasa City are stealing Pokémon. Defeat the grunts.": "Hugh认为一些在雷文市的等离子队正在偷窃宝可梦,击败他们。", "Defeat the Team Plasma Grunts on the Totally Unsuspicious Frigate.": "在完全不可疑的驱逐舰上击败等离子队。", "The Frigate is gone. Nothing to do but move forward. Clear route 13.": "驱逐舰已经离开,除了向前走什么都不做。清理13号道路。", "You have stumbled upon Zinzolin and a Team Plasma Grunt in Lacunosa Town. Defeat the grunt.": "你在笼目镇偶然发现了Zinzolin和一支等离子队,击败他们。", "Defeat Zinzolin.": "击败Zinzolin。", "Defeat the Opelucid City gym leader to obtain the DNA Splicers before Team Plasma does!": "击败双龙市道馆的馆主,在等离子队之前获得基因之楔!", "Team Plasma has stolen the DNA Splicers and is assaulting the city with an army of grunts and shadows! Defend against the Team Plasma Assault!": "等离子队偷走了基因之楔,他们正进攻城市!抵御等离子队的攻击。", "Defeat the Plasma Shadow.": "击败Plasma Shadow。", "Team Plasma has fled the scene with the stolen DNA Splicers. Find and clear out the Plasma Frigate.": "等离子队带着偷来的基因之楔逃离了现场,找到并清除等离子驱逐舰。", "Team Plasma's leader Ghetsis plans on using the DNA Splicers on Kyurem in Giant Chasm. Clear the dungeon to end his evil plans.": "等离子队的首领Ghetsis计划在巨人洞窟的酋雷姆身上使用基因之楔。清理地牢,结束他的邪恶计划。", "Defeat Colress.": "击败Colress。", "Defeat the Plasma Shadows.": "击败等离子暗影。", "Ghetsis has done something to the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon!": "Ghetsis对传说中的龙属性宝可梦做了一些事情。", "Defeat Ghetsis one final time!": "最后一次击败Ghetsis。", "Defeat the Aipoms": "击败Aipoms。", "The Aipoms dropped some sort of vial while they were running away. It looks like they were headed towards the Radio Tower. Find it!": "Aipoms逃跑时掉了一个小瓶,看起来他们朝满金电台去了,找到它!", "The informant is proving hard to convince. Time to get physical!": "事实证明告密者很难被说服。是时候锻炼身体了。", "Infiltrate the underground fighting ring.": "潜入地下战斗圈。", "Search the research laboratory for clues.": "在实验室里寻找线索。", "It was an ambush! You have been followed to Nuvema Town, defeat the mysterious attackers and escape!": "这是个圈套!你追踪到鹿子镇,击败神秘的袭击者并逃脱。", "Defeat Howard's bodyguard and escape.": "击败Howard的保镖并逃脱。", "Defeat Mewtwo to free it from Howard's control!": "打败超梦,将它从 Howard的控制中解放出来。", "Capture or hatch 100 Water-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只水属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Psychic-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只超能力属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Poison-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只毒属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Dark-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只恶属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Steel-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只钢属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Fire-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只火属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Fighting-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只格斗属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Ghost-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只幽灵属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Fairy-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只妖精属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Electric-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只电属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Bug-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只虫属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Flying-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只飞行属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Ground-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只地面属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Grass-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只草属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Rock-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只岩石属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Dragon-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只龙属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Ice-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只冰属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 200 Normal-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化100只一般属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 100 Fairy-type Pokémon to follow Diancie's Fairy Aura.": "捕捉或孵化100只妖精属性宝可梦,跟随蒂安希的妖精气场。", "Defend Diancie from the attacking ninja in Shalour City.": "在娑罗市保护蒂安希免受忍者的攻击。", "Diancie has escaped to the shopping mall in Lumiose City, but is under attack again!": "蒂安希逃到密阿雷市的购物中心,但再次遭到袭击。", "Diancie has fled to the Diamond Domain. Dig in the Underground to find it.": "蒂安希逃到了钻石矿国,在地下矿场挖掘到它。", "Millis and Argus Steel let you do the hard work while they set up an ambush in Shalour City.": "Millis和Argus Steel让你去干苦活,而他们在娑罗市设了埋伏。", "Diancie needs help building a Heart Diamond to stabilize the Diamond Domain. Gather some Fairy Gems for her.": "蒂安希需要建造一颗心钻来稳定钻石矿国。为她收集一些仙女宝石。", "Defeat the kid near Pallet Town.": "在真新镇附近击败新人。", "He's not stopping. Find the kid in Johto.": "他没有停下来,在城都地区寻找新人。", "He just won't learn his lesson. Defeat the kid again in Hoenn.": "他就是不吸取教训,在丰缘地区再次击败新人。", "Who does this kid think he is anyway? Pretending he's the main character. He's in Sinnoh now.": "新人以为自己是谁啊?假装自己是主角,他现在在神奥地区。", "The kid is hiding in Unova!": "新人躲在合众地区。", "Maybe you were too hard on the kid... You should offer him an apology in Kalos.": "也许你对新人太严厉了,你应该在卡洛斯地区向他道歉。", "A strange creature has appeared in Aether Paradise. Make it go away. Clear the Ultra Wormhole.": "一个奇怪的生物出现在以太乐园,让它消失,清理究极之洞。", "Team Skull are being annoying. Get rid of them. Clear the Malie Garden dungeon.": "骷髅队很烦人,摆脱他们,清理马利埃庭园。", "Team Skull have stolen a child's Yungoos. Raid their base. Clear the Po Town dungeon.": "骷髅队抢夺了一个孩子的猫鼬少,突袭他们的基地,清理魄镇地牢。", "Aether president Lusamine has recruited Team Skull in her own plan to stop the Eater of Light. Stop her. Clear the Aether Foundation dungeon.": "以太理事长Lusamine在她自己的计划着招募骷髅队来阻止食光者,阻止她。清理以太基金会。", "Stop the Eater of Light from absorbing all light in Alola. Clear Ultra Megalopolis at the Altar of the Sunne and Moone.": "阻止食光者吸收阿罗拉的所有光源。清理日月的究极大都会。", "Defeat Captain Mina in Seafolk Village.": "在海洋居民之村击败队长Mina。", "Defeat Captain Ilima in Hau'oli Cemetery.": "在好奥乐墓园击败队长Ilima。", "Defeat Captain Mallow in Lush Jungle.": "在树荫丛林击败队长Mallow。", "Defeat Captain Lana in Lush Jungle.": "在树荫丛林击败队长Lana。", "Defeat Captain Kiawe in Wela Volcano Park.": "在维拉火山公园击败队长Kiawe。", "Defeat Captain Sophocles in Hokulani Observatory.": "在辉克拉尼天文台击败队长Sophocles。", "Captain Acerola is apparently busy with something at the top of Mount Lanakila. Defeat Kahuna Nanu in Tapu Village instead.": "队长Acerola显然在拉纳基拉山顶忙着什么。在卡璞村击败Kahuna Nanu。", "Complete the Trial! Clear Mina's Houseboat in Seafolk Village.": "完成试炼!在海洋居民之村清理Mina的船屋。", "Defeat Agent Anabel at the Roadside Motel.": "在路尚汽车旅馆击败特工Anabel。", "Defeat Trial Captain Mina at the Roadside Motel.": "在路尚汽车旅馆击败队长Mina。", "Defeat Kahuna Nanu at the Roadside Motel.": "在路尚汽车旅馆击败Kahuna Nanu。", "Stop Bede from destroying the mural!": "阻止Bede毁掉壁画。", "Defeat the next gym and catch up with Hop.": "击败下一个道馆,赶上Hop的脚步。", "Continue your Gym Challenge and have a battle with Hop in Circhester.": "继续你的道馆挑战,在战竞镇与Hop进行一场战斗。", "Continue your Gym Challenge and gain entry to the Champion Cup.": "继续你的道馆挑战,获取冠军杯的入场证。", "Defeat Marnie at Wyndon Stadium to reach the quarter-finals of the Champion Cup.": "在宫门竞技场击败Marnie来进入冠军杯的四分之一决赛。", "Defeat Bede to reach the semi-finals of the Champion Cup.": "击败Bede来进入冠军杯半决赛。", "Defeat Hop to reach the final of the Champion Cup!": "击败Hop来进入冠军杯决赛。", "Champion Leon was seen heading to Rose Tower. Ascend Rose Tower so you can find him.": "冠军Leon被看到去洛兹大厦了。攀登洛兹大厦去找到他。", "Chairman Rose has interrupted your fight with Leon and brought about the Darkest Day. Clear Slumbering Weald Shrine.": "总裁洛兹带来的闇夜中断了你和Leon的决斗。通关微寐森林神社。", "Unfortunately, all you found at the Slumbering Weald was a rusty sword and shield. Go to the Energy Plant in Hammerlocke to put an end to Chairman Rose's plans!": "不幸的是,你在微寐森林只找到一把腐朽的剑和盾。前去拳关市的能源工厂结束总裁洛兹的计划。", "Leon failed to capture Eternatus. Defeat it before it can cause any more damage!": "Leon捕捉无极汰那失败了,击败它避免造成更多影响。", "Eternatus has ascended to its Eternamax form! Catch it to put an end to the Darkest Day!": "无极汰那提升到极巨化形态,捉住它,结束闇夜。", "Defeat Leon to become the Champion of Galar!": "击败Leon并且成为伽勒尔冠军。", "Hop wants to fight you one more time at Slumbering Weald Shrine.": "Hop想在微寐森林神社再进行一场战斗。", "Defeat Sordward.": "击败Sordward。", "Defeat Shielbert.": "击败Shielbert。", "Sordward and Shielbert are forcing Pokémon to rampage in Galar's Stadiums. First is a Tsareena in Turffield Stadium. Defeat it.": "Sordward和Shielbert强迫宝可梦在伽勒尔各大竞技场发狂。首先是草路竞技场的甜冷美后,击败它。", "Sordward and Shielbert have forced a Gyarados to rampage in Hulbury Stadium. Defeat it as well.": "Sordward和Shielbert强迫暴鲤龙在水舟竞技场发狂,击败它。", "Sordward and Shielbert have forced a Torkoal to rampage in Motostoke Stadium. Defeat it as well.": "Sordward和Shielbert强迫煤炭龟在机擎竞技场发狂,击败它。", "Sordward and Shielbert are trying to steal the Wishing Stars at Professor Magnolia's Lab in Wedgehurst. Stop them.": "Sordward和Shielbert想偷取木杆镇木兰博士实验室的许愿星,阻止他们。", "Defeat Conkeldurr.": "击败修建老匠。", "Defeat Dusknoir.": "击败黑夜魔灵。", "There were rampaging Pokémon at Ballonlea Stadium, but Bede already defeated them. There are no more rampaging Pokémon for now, and he wants to battle.": "舞姿竞技场还有一些发狂的宝可梦,但Bede已经击败它们。现在已经没有发狂的宝可梦,他想与你一战。", "Defeat Gigalith.": "击败庞岩怪。", "Defeat Froslass.": "击败雪妖女。", "There are no more rampaging Pokémon for now and Marnie wants to battle you in Spikemuth.": "暂时没有更多的发狂的宝可梦,并且Marnie 想在尖钉镇挑战你。", "Sordward and Shielbert have forced a Haxorus to rampage in Hammerlocke Stadium. Hopefully this is the last one.": "Sordward和Shielbert强迫一只双斧战龙在拳关市发狂。希望这是最后一只。", "Defeat Zacian.": "击败苍响。", "Defeat Zamazenta.": "击败藏玛然特。", "Catch Zacian.": "捕捉苍响。", "Catch Zamazenta.": "捕捉藏玛然特。", "Mustard wants to test your ability at the Master Dojo. Defeat him.": "马士德想在马师傅武馆测试你的能力,击败他。", "Defeat Klara.": "击败Klara。", "Defeat Avery.": "击败Avery。", "Defeat Avery": "击败Avery。", "Defeat 500 Dark-type Pokémon.": "击败500只恶属性宝可梦。", "Defeat 500 Water-type Pokémon.": "击败500只水属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 250 Dark-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化250只恶属性宝可梦。", "Capture or hatch 250 Water-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化250只水属性宝可梦。", "Defeat Tower of Darkness.": "通关恶之塔。", "Defeat Tower of Waters": "通关水之塔。", "A group of Zarude are attacking you. Defeat them.": "一队萨戮德开始攻击你,击败它们。", "Another two groups of Zarude are attacking you. Defeat them as well.": "另外两队萨戮德开始攻击你,也击败它们。", "Defeat Ash Ketchum outside the Master Dojo.": "击败马师傅武馆外的小智。", "A final Zarude wants to challenge you. Defeat Zarude (Dada).": "最终形态的萨戮德想挑战你,击败萨戮德(阿爸)。", "A mysterious Pokémon has appeared and challenged you to a battle.": "一只神秘的宝可梦出现并向你发起了挑战。", "Defeat Spectrier.": "击败灵幽马。", "Defeat Glastrier.": "击败雪暴马。", "Some unknown bird Pokémon have been sighted near Dyna Tree Hill in Ballimere Lake. Explore the area to see for yourself.": "有人在球湖湖畔旁的巨树丘陵看见了一些未知的鸟类宝可梦。探索该地区,亲眼看看。", "You witnessed 3 powerful looking bird pokemon resembling Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres fighting over the fruit of the Dyna Tree. Upon noticing you, they attack!": "你看到了3只看起来很强大的鸟类宝可梦,类似于急冻鸟、闪电鸟和火焰鸟正在争夺巨树的果实。一旦注意到你,他们就会攻击!", "Search for Galarian Articuno in the Crown Tundra.": "在王冠雪原勒尔急冻鸟。", "Search for Galarian Zapdos in the Wild Area of Southern Galar.": "伽勒尔南部的旷野地带寻找伽勒尔闪电鸟。", "Search for Galarian Moltres in the Isle of Armor.": "在铠岛寻找伽勒尔火焰鸟。", "Clear Rock Peak Ruins 10 times.": "通关岩山遗迹10次。", "Clear Iceberg Ruins 10 times.": "通关冰山遗迹10次。", "Clear Iron Ruins 10 times.": "通关黑金废墟10次。", "Defeat Regigigas at Giant's Bed!": "击败巨人睡榻的雷吉奇卡斯。", "A strange Togepi has been seen around Kanto. Go look for it! Maybe Erika knows more.": "在关东附近发现了一只奇怪的波克比,去找吧!也许Erika知道更多信息。", "Another report just came in, stating that they saw a strange egg boarding the ferry to Johto!": "最新消息,有人看到一个奇怪的蛋登上了去成都的渡轮!", "There is a big Egg Hunt going on in Petalburg Woods right now; maybe you should take a look?": "橙华森林里正在进行一场大型的寻蛋活动;也许你应该看一看?", "Defeat 5,000 Pokémon": "击败5000只宝可梦。", "Defeat Team Rainbow Leader Giovanni.": "击败彩虹队队长Giovanni。", "Defeat the Grunts guarding the Aether Foundation takeover.": "击败守护以太基金会收购部的Grunts。", "Defeat Aether Branch Chief Faba.": "击败以太基金会分部首席Faba。", "Defeat Team Aqua Leader Archie.": "击败海洋队队长Archie。", "Defeat Team Magma Leader Maxie.": "击败熔岩队队长Maxie。", "Defeat Team Galactic Leader Cyrus.": "击败银河队队长Cyrus。", "Defeat Team Flare Leader Lysandre.": "击败闪焰队队长Lysandre。", "Defeat Team Plasma Leader Ghetsis.": "击败等离子队队长Ghetsis。" } Translation.MultipleQuestsQuest = { "Bill's Grandpa wants you to catch a Pokémon that is pink and like a balloon.": "Bill的爷爷想让你捕捉一只像粉红色气球一样的宝可梦。", "Bill's Grandpa wants you to catch a Pokémon that is round, blue, and has leaves growing on its head.": "Bill的爷爷想让你抓一只蓝色圆形且头上长着叶子的宝可梦。", "Bill's Grandpa wants you to catch a Pokémon that it has a red sphere in its body and is shaped like a star.": "Bill的爷爷想让你抓住一只身体里有一个红星的宝可梦。", "Bill's Grandpa wants you to catch a Pokémon that is very loyal and supposedly roars pretty well.": "Bill的爷爷想让你抓一只忠诚且会咆哮的宝可梦。", "Bill's Grandpa wants you to catch a Pokémon that has a yellow body and red cheeks.": "Bill的爷爷想让你抓一只黄色身体、红色脸颊的的宝可梦。", "Catch the Legendary Beasts.": "捕捉三圣兽。", "Catch the Weather Trio.": "捕捉丰缘三神。", "Catch or hatch the Eon Duo.": "捕捉或孵化无限宝可梦。", "Help Team Rocket recruit some Pinkan Pokémon": "帮助火箭队招募一些粉色宝可梦。", "Collect Fairy Gems and Pixie Plates": "收集妖精宝石和妖精石板。", "Explore Hoenn by defeating Pokémon on the hinted routes to release the Regi Trio.": "探索丰缘地区,在提示路线上击败宝可梦,以释放三神柱。", "Catch the Regi Trio.": "捕捉三神柱。", "Gather the materials Butler needs to rebuild his resurrection machine.": "收集Butle重建复活机器所需的材料。", "Charge the key to the Distortion World.": "为毁坏的世界的钥匙充电。", 'Rare Ultra Beasts have been spotted!\nBuzzwole in Melemele Meadow and Pheromosa in Verdant Cavern!': "究极异兽已被发现!美乐美乐花园里的爆肌蚊及葱郁洞窟里的费洛美螂!", "Rare Ultra Beasts have been spotted! Kartana at Malie Garden and Route 17, and Celesteela at Malie Garden and Haina Desert!": "究极异兽已被发现!马利埃庭园和17号道路的纸御剑及马利埃庭园和哈伊纳沙漠里的铁火辉夜!", "Rare Ultra Beasts have been spotted! Blacephalon and Stakataka are both at Poni Grove!": "究极异兽已被发现!波尼树林里的砰头小丑和垒磊石!", "The mural was destroyed! See what you can learn by inspecting the ruins and speaking to the bystander.": "壁画已被摧毁!检查废墟以及与旁观者交谈,看看你能学到什么。", "Learn more about the heroes who stopped The Darkest Day.": "了解更多关于阻止暗夜的英雄。", "A pair with weird hair has taken the Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield. Defeat them to take them back.": "两位奇怪头发的人拿走了腐朽的剑和腐朽的盾。打败他们,将剑盾夺回。", "Sordward and Shielbert have forced a Conkeldurr and a Dusknoir to rampage in Stow-on-Side Stadium. Defeat them both.": "Sordward和Shielbert迫使修建老匠和黑夜魔灵在溯传道馆里横冲直撞,打败他们。", "Sordward and Shielbert have forced a Gigalith and a Froslass to rampage in Circhester Stadium. Defeat them both": "Sordward和Shielbert迫使庞岩怪和雪妖女在溯传道馆里横冲直撞,打败他们。", "Sordward and Shielbert are trying to use the Rusted Sword and Shield to make Zacian and Zamazenta go on a rampage in Energy Plant. Stop them.": "Sordward和Shielbert试图用腐朽的剑、盾让苍响和藏玛然特在能源工厂里横冲直撞,阻止他们。", "Zacian and Zamazenta are rampaging in Energy Plant. Defeat them!": "苍响和藏玛然特在能源工厂里横冲直撞,击败他们。", "Now that they have calmed down, Zacian and Zamazenta seem to be willing to let you try to catch them!": "现在他们已经冷静下来了,苍响和藏玛然特似乎愿意让你去捕捉他们!", "Talk to Klara and Avery in Warm-Up Tunnel.": "去热身洞穴找Klara和Avery谈谈。", "You, Klara and Avery have happened upon the same Max Mushroom in Warm-Up Tunnel. Defeat them both to win it.": "你、Klara和Avery在热身洞穴里碰到了相同的极巨菇菇,打败他们就能胜利。", "Talk to Klara and Avery in the Master Dojo.": "去马师傅武馆找Klara和Avery谈谈。", "For the final trial, you must defeat both Klara and Avery on the Master Dojo Battle Court.": "最后的测试,你必须在马师傅武馆击败Klara和Avery。", "Train Kubfu by defeating Dark and Water-type Pokémon.": "击败恶属性和水属性宝可梦以训练熊徒弟。", "Train Kubfu more by catching or hatching Dark and Water-type Pokémon.": "捕捉或孵化恶属性和水属性宝可梦以训练熊徒弟。", "Complete Kubfu's training in the Tower of Darkness and the Tower of Waters so it can evolve!": "在恶之塔和水之塔完成熊徒弟的训练,这样它就可以进化了。", "Calyrex is going to Old Cemetery and Snowslide Slope to grow a Shaderoot Carrot and an Iceroot Carrot. Protect it from wild Pokémon so it can concentrate.": "蕾冠王要去远古墓地和雪中溪谷栽种黑萝卜和冰萝卜,保护他免受野生宝可梦的侵害,这样它就可以集中精力。", "Fight Calyrex's steeds to get them out of Freezington!": "和蕾冠王的马进行战斗,把他们赶出冻凝村!", "Spectrier and Glastrier are now roaming the Crown Tundra. Catch them when the opportunity arises!": "灵幽马和雪暴马正在王冠雪原上漫游。机会出现时捕捉他们。", "Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres have fled to the Crown Tundra, Southern Galar, and the Isle of Armor respectively. Search for them.": "伽勒尔急冻鸟伽、勒尔闪电鸟和伽勒尔火焰鸟分别逃到了王冠雪原、伽勒尔南部和铠之孤岛,寻找他们。", "Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are now roaming in the Crown Tundra, Southern Galar, and the Isle of Armor respectively. Catch them when the opportunity arises!": "伽勒尔急冻鸟伽、勒尔闪电鸟和伽勒尔火焰鸟现在分别在王冠雪原、伽勒尔南部和铠之孤岛漫游,机会出现时捕捉他们!", "Clear Rock Peak Ruins, Iceberg Ruins, and Iron Ruins 10 times each.": "分别清理巨人睡榻岩山遗迹、雪中溪谷冰山遗迹和巨人睡榻黑金遗迹10次。", "Catch Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in the Rock Peak Ruins, Iceberg Ruins, and Iron Ruins respectively.": "分别捕捉巨人睡榻岩山遗迹里的雷吉洛克、雪中溪谷冰山遗迹里的雷吉斯奇鲁和巨人睡榻黑金遗迹里的雷吉斯奇鲁。", "After you caught three of the legendary golems it created, Regigigas appeared in Giant's Bed. Defeat and catch it!": "捕捉三神柱后,雷吉奇卡斯出现在巨人睡榻。击败并捕捉他。", "Now that it has finally unlocked, catch Regieleki and Regidrago in the Split-Decision Ruins!": "终于解锁了,在抉择遗迹中捕捉雷吉艾勒奇和雷吉铎拉戈。", "Gather berries for Dr. Splash.": "为Splash博士收集树果。", "Gather materials for Dr. Splash.": "为Splash博士收集材料。", "Catch Pokémon for Dr. Splash's training grounds.": "为Splash博士的训练场捕捉宝可梦。", "Step 1 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤1,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 2 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤2,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 3 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤3,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 4 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤4,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 5 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤5,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 6 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤6,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 7 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤7,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 8 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤8,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 9 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤9,去吧 美录坦!", "Step 10 of Let's Go, Meltan!": "步骤10,去吧 美录坦!", "Let's Go, Meltan!": "去吧 美录坦!", "Defeat Archie and Maxie.": "击败Archie和Maxie。" } Translation.TalkToNPCQuest = { "Go back to Pallet Town and say bye to mom.": "回去真新镇跟妈妈说再见。", "Talk to the Old Man in Viridian City to learn about catching.": "跟常青市的老人学习如何捕捉。", "Talk to Bill's Grandpa in Bill's House.": "在Bill的房子里跟他爷爷谈谈。", "Show your Jigglypuff to Bill's Grandpa.": "向Bill的爷爷展示你的胖丁。", "Show your Oddish to Bill's Grandpa.": "向Bill的爷爷展示你的走路草。", "Show your Staryu to Bill's Grandpa.": "向Bill的爷爷展示你的海星星。", "Show your Growlithe to Bill's Grandpa.": "向Bill的爷爷展示你的卡蒂狗。", "Show your Pikachu to Bill's Grandpa.": "向Bill的爷爷展示你的皮卡丘。", "Talk to Bill's Grandpa one last time.": "最后和Bill的爷爷谈谈。", "Use the Subregional Travel button at the top of the map to travel to the Sevii Islands and speak with Celio on One Island.": "点击地图上方的子区域旅行按钮到达七之岛,跟第1岛的Celio谈谈。", "Ask the Game Corner owner on Two Island about the meteorite.": "询问第2岛游戏城老板关于陨石的事。", "Lostelle has been found. Return to the Game Corner owner on Two Island.": "Lostelle已经找到了,回去第2岛游戏城老板那。", "Deliver the meteorite to Celio on One Island.": "把陨石交给第1岛的Celio。", "Talk to the Breeder in Saffron City.": "前往金黄市与Breeder谈谈。", "Talk to the Gem Scientist in Pewter City.": "前往深灰市与Gem Scientist谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Ecruteak City.": "前往缘朱市与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Pokéfan Derek in Ecruteak City.": "前往缘朱市与Pokéfan Derek谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Cianwood City.": "前往湛蓝市与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Mahogany Town.": "前往卡吉镇与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Vermilion City.": "前往枯叶市与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Fuchsia City.": "前往浅红市与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Eusine in Cerulean City.": "前往华蓝市与Eusine谈谈。", "Talk to Kimono Girl Zuki in Violet City.": "前往桔梗市与和服女孩Zuki谈谈。", "Talk to Kimono Girl Naoko in the Ilex Forest.": "前往栎树林与和服女孩Naoko谈谈。", "Talk to Kimono Girl Miki at the Ecruteak City Dance Theatre.": "前往缘朱市舞蹈剧场与和服女孩Miki谈谈。", "Talk to Kimono Girl Sayo in the Ice Path.": "前往冰雪小径与和服女孩Sayo谈谈。", "Talk to Kimono Girl Kuni in Goldenrod City.": "前往满金市与和服女孩Kuni谈谈。", "Meet the Kimono Girls at the Whirl Islands.": "前往漩涡岛与和服女孩见面。", "Meet the Kimono Girls at the Ecruteak Dance Theatre.": "前往缘朱市舞蹈剧场与和服女孩见面。", "Talk to Professor Oak in Pallet Town.": "前往真新镇与大木博士谈谈。", "Talk to Professor Ivy in her lab in the Sevii Islands.": "前往七之岛的实验室与Ivy教授谈谈。", "Deliver the GS Ball to Professor Oak in Pallet Town.": "将GS球送到真新镇的大木博士那里。", "Deliver the GS Ball to Kurt in Azalea Town.": "将GS球送到桧皮镇的Kurt那里。", "Talk to Kurt again after becoming Champion of Johto.": "成为城都地区的冠军后再次与Kurt对话。", "Talk to Professor Oak in Azalea Town.": "前往桧皮镇与大木博士谈谈。", "Investigate the shrine in Ilex Forest.": "调查栎树林的神殿。", "Investigate the Time Distortion in Tohjo Falls.": "调查都城瀑布的时空歪曲。", "Investigate the commotion in Sootopolis City.": "调查琉璃市的骚乱。", "Talk to Wallace in the Cave of Origin to learn how to stop Kyogre and Groudon from fighting.": "前往觉醒神殿与Wallace谈谈,学习如何阻止盖欧卡和固拉多的战斗。", "Return to Sootopolis City to see what Rayquaza will do.": "回到琉璃市,看看Rayquaza会怎么做。", "Talk to Wallace in the Cave of Origin about the aftermath of the battle.": "前往觉醒神殿与Wallace谈谈战斗的后果。", "Watch a news report in Littleroot Town about a mysterious Pokémon.": "前往未白镇观看一则关于神秘宝可梦的新闻报道。", "Change channels to watch a different TV station in Littleroot town.": "前往未白镇,换台看不同的电视节目。", "Go to Hoenn Pokémon League to claim your Eon ticket.": "前往丰源宝可梦联盟领取Eon门票。", "Claim your Eon Ticket in the Start Menu and investigate the Southern Island.": "在开始菜单中领取您的Eon门票,并调查南部岛屿。", "Speak with Celio on One Island in Sevii.": "前往七之岛中的第1岛与Celio谈谈。", "Eavesdrop on the Team Rocket Grunts at Mt. Ember.": "前往灯火山窃听火箭队的情报。", "Take the Ruby in Ruby Path": "前往红宝石路径与Ruby谈谈。", "Return the Ruby to Celio on One Island": "把红宝石还给第1岛上的Celio。", "Talk to Lorelei in Icefall Cave": "前往冻瀑洞窟与Lorelei谈谈。", "Talk to Gideon in Dotted Hole": "前往点之穴与Gideon谈谈。", "Return the Sapphire to Celio on One Island": "把蓝宝石还给第1岛上的Celio。", "Talk to Team Rocket on Pinkan Island to hear about their plans.": "与平柑岛的火箭队谈谈,听听他们的计划。", "Talk to Team Rocket on Pinkan Island to open the theme park!": "与平柑岛的火箭队谈谈,以打开主题公园。", "Investigate the strange markings in the Sealed Chamber.": "调查布告石室里的奇怪标记。", "Navigate the maze inside the Sealed Chamber.": "穿越布告石室的迷宫。", "Investigate the hidden message at the end of the Sealed Chamber maze.": "在布告石室的尽头调查隐藏的信息。", "Attend the opening ceremony of the Millennium Festival near Lavaridge Town.": "在釜炎镇附近参加宝可梦游乐园开幕式。", "Learn the legend of the Millennium Comet from Butler near Lavaridge Town.": "从釜炎镇附近的Butler那里了解千年彗星的传说。", "Examine the crystalline cocoon Butler gave you while at the Mt. Chimney Crater.": "前往烟囱山检查Butler给你的水晶茧。", "Talk to Butler in the Jagged Pass to learn about his new plan.": "前往凹凸山道了解Butle的新计划。", "Deliver the materials to Butler in the Jagged Pass and start the resurrection machine.": "前往凹凸山道把材料交给Butle,启动复活机器。", "Speak to Professor Hastings in Sandgem Town.": "前往真砂镇与Hastings教授谈谈。", "Search for clues in Eterna Forest.": "前往百代森林寻找线索。", "Speak to the Go-Rock Commander in the Eterna Forest.": "前往百代森林与冲冲队的首领谈谈。", "The Go-Rock Squad are definitely going in circles, but they're too dumb to realise it. Interrogate one on their method of navigating the Eterna Forest!": "冲冲队绝对是在兜圈子,他们太笨了,没有意识到这一点。查询一个人在百代森林的导航方法!", "Return the egg to Professor Hastings in Sandgem Town. ": "把蛋还给真砂镇的Hastings教授。", "Professor Hastings has headed off to Canalave to do more research on Manaphy. Check in on him when you can!": "Hastings教授前往水脉市做关于玛纳霏的研究,有空就去看看他吧。", "A little girl's Happiny stole the egg! Search for witnesses east of Canalave!": "一个小女孩的小福蛋偷窃了蛋!在水脉市东部寻找目击者!", "The Happiny headed north out of Jubilife! Ask for witnesses in the next town.": "小福蛋向北朝着祝庆市前进!与下一个城市的目击者谈谈。", "The Happiny went north, through the Eterna Forest. Ask if anyone's seen it in Eterna City.": "小福蛋向北前进,穿过百代森林。问问有没有人在百代市见过他。", "Search for someone who's seen the Happiny Egg-napper! It was last seen heading east across Route 211.": "找到一个目击小福蛋偷蛋的人!最后一次被看到是在211号道路上向东前进。", "Keep asking around and following the Happiny Egg-thief! It was heading south, towards Solaceon Town.": "继续到处打听,追踪偷蛋者小福蛋,他往南朝着随意镇前进。", "Hopefully you can finally catch up to this Happiny at Hearthome City. Ask around for any witnesses.": "希望你在家缘市能赶上小福蛋,问问周围有没有目击者。", "The Happiny went through Mt. Coronet again? This time it went west through the Southern path. Ask around for witnesses on the other side.": "小福蛋再次经过天冠山?这次他通过南方路径向西前进。问问那边有没有目击者。", "The Happiny fled from Oreburgh and headed west, through the Oreburgh Gate. Search for another witness on the far side.": "小福蛋逃离黑金市后,向西前进,穿过黑金闸口,前往黑金闸口另一边寻找目击者。", "Search for evidence of the Happiny's path after turning south from Jubilife City.": "从祝庆市向南转弯后寻找小福蛋前进的轨迹。", "After leaving Sandgem, the Happiny went south-east, across the water. There's only one place it could be now...": "离开真砂镇后,小福蛋向东南方向前进,穿过水面。现在它只可能在一个地方...", "The egg hatched after your battle with the egg-nappers! Bring Manaphy back to Hastings in Canalave City, and close off this mission for good.": "你和偷蛋者战斗后,蛋孵出来了!把玛纳霏带给水脉市的Hastings,永远结束这次任务。", "Talk to Zero in the Fight Area.": "前往战斗区与Zero谈谈。", "Read the recently discovered book in Canalave City.": "前往水脉市阅读最近在发现的书。", "Report to Zero what was in the book.": "向Zero报告书里的内容。", "Ask Mesprit about the Distortion World in Lake Verity.": "前往立志湖向Mesprit询问关于毁坏的世界的情况。", "Ask Azelf about the Distortion World in Lake Valor.": "前往立志湖向Azelf询问关于毁坏的世界的情况。", "Ask Uxie about the Distortion World in Lake Acuity.": "前往睿智湖向Uxie询问关于毁坏的世界的情况。", "Talk to the Lake Trio in Sendoff Spring.": "前往送行之泉与Lake Trio谈谈。", "Talk to Zero in Sendoff Spring.": "前往送行之泉与Zero谈谈。", "Investigate the Perfectly Ordinary Frigate.": "调查完美普通的驱逐舰。", "They are definitely stealing Pokémon. Investigate the Totally Unsuspicious Frigate.": "他们绝对是在偷猎宝可梦,前往完全不可疑的驱逐舰进行调查。", "Talk to Zinzolin.": "与Zinzolin谈谈。", "Talk to Colress.": "与Colress谈谈。", "Talk to the Shadow Triad.": "与Shadow Triad谈谈。", "Search Goldenrod City for clues.": "前往满金市寻找线索。", "Detective Pikachu has an informant who knows more about the mysterious vial. Meet with him in Saffron City.": "侦探皮卡丘有个线人知道更多关于神秘试剂的情况。前往金黄市与他见面。", "The informant is finally willing to \"talk\", find out what he has to say.": "告密者终于愿意“谈话”,看看他有什么要说的。", "Go to Clifford Industries in Goldenrod City to demand some answers.": "前往满金市寻找Clifford要个答案。", "Meet up with investigative journalist Lucy Stevens in Hearthome City": "在家缘市与调查记者Lucy Stevens会面。", "Detective Pikachu is injured. He asks you to get help from his friend near Cerulean Cave": "侦探皮卡丘受伤了,他告诉你可以在华蓝洞窟附近的朋友那里得到帮助。”", "Confront Howard Clifford in Goldenrod City about his involvement with the R vials.": "去满金市找Confront Howard Clifford,了解他与R试剂的关系。", "Give Howard Clifford one last chance to surrender!": "给Howard Clifford最后一次投降的机会!", "Talk to Mewtwo near Cerulean Cave about Detective Pikachu's partner.": "和华蓝洞窟附近的超梦谈谈侦探皮卡丘的搭档。", "Talk to Detective Raichu": "与侦探雷丘谈谈。", "Your Doublade learned something from the Steels, examine it in Shalour City to find out what!": "你的双剑鞘从钢铁那里学到了一些东西,在娑罗市检查一下,看看是什么!", "Talk to Princess Diancie in Shalour City.": "前往娑罗市与Princess Diancie谈谈。", "Talk to Looker at the Roadside Motel.": "前往路尚汽车旅馆与Looker谈谈。", "Talk to Anabel at the Roadside Motel.": "前往路尚汽车旅馆与Anabel谈谈。", "Talk to Looker at the Roadside Motel to learn about Beast Balls.": "前往路尚汽车旅馆与Looker谈谈,了解究极球的情况。", "Talk to Captain Mina at the Roadside Motel.": "前往路尚汽车旅馆与Captain Mina谈谈。", "Talk to Kahuna Nanu at the Roadside Motel.": "前往路尚汽车旅馆与Kahuna Nanu谈谈。", "Use the subregion travel to talk to Mayor Karp in Hoppy Town.": "利用次区域旅行与跳跃镇的Mayor Karp谈谈。", "Check out Stow-on-Side's mural.": "看看溯传镇的壁画。", "Talk to Sonia.": "与Sonia谈谈。", "Talk to Hop.": "与Hop谈谈。", "The Championship Match is about to start, but Chairman Rose is broadcasting something to the Stadium? Listen to the broadcast.": "冠军赛就要开始了,但Chairman Rose正在广播些什么东西?听听广播。", "Talk to Hop in Wyndon Stadium.": "前往宫门道馆与Hop谈谈。", "Talk to Hop in Slumbering Weald Shrine.": "前往微寐森林神殿与Hop谈谈。", "Talk to Chairman Rose in Energy Plant": "前往能源工厂与Chairman Rose谈谈。", "After all those interruptions, it's finally time for the Championship match! Talk to Leon at Wyndon Stadium.": "在所有这些干扰之后,终于到冠军赛的时间了!和宫门道馆的Leon谈谈。", "Talk to Hop in the Slumbering Weald.": "前往微寐森林与Hop谈谈。", "Talk to Sordward & Shielbert in the Slumbering Weald.": "前往微寐森林与Sordward和Shielbert谈谈。", "Talk to Sordward & Shielbert in Wedgehurst.": "前往木杆镇与Sordward和Shielbert谈谈。", "Talk to Sordward & Shielbert in the Energy Plant.": "前往能源工厂与Sordward和Shielbert谈谈。", "Talk to Piers in the Energy Plant.": "前往能源工厂与Piers谈谈。", "Talk to Mustard at the Master Dojo.": "前往马师傅武馆与Mustard谈谈。", "It seems Mustard still wants to talk to you? Talk to Mustard again at the Master Dojo.": "看来Mustard还想和你谈谈?再次前往马师傅武馆找她谈谈。", "Talk to Klara.": "与Klara谈谈。", "Talk to Avery.": "与Avery谈谈。", "Talk to Mustard at one of the Towers of Two Fists.": "在双拳塔中的一个与Mustard谈谈。", "Ash Ketchum wants to talk to you at the Master Dojo.": "Ash Ketchum想和你在马师傅武馆谈谈。", "Talk to Ash Ketchum's friend, Koko, in Glimwood Tangle.": "前往迷光森林与Ash Ketchum的朋友Koko谈谈。", "Take Zarude back to Koko in Glimwood Tangle.": "带着萨戮德回到迷光森林的Koko身边。", "Talk to Koko in Glimwood Tangle.": "前往迷光森林与Koko谈谈。", "Talk to Ash Ketchum at the Master Dojo.": "前往马师傅武馆与Ash Ketchum谈谈。", "Talk to Ash Ketchum in Glimwood Tangle.": "前往迷光森林与Ash Ketchum谈谈。", "Talk to Peony to find out about the ancient king of Galar.": "与Peony交谈,了解古代伽勒尔王的情况。", "The Pokémon you just fought has possessed Peony. Talk to it.": "和你刚刚战斗的宝可梦附身到了Peony上,和他谈谈。", "After growing both carrots, Calyrex has returned to Freezington. Talk to it.": "种完两种胡萝卜后,蕾冠王回到了冻凝村。和他谈谈。", "Talk to Calyrex again.": "再次和蕾冠王谈谈。", "Now that you have captured both of its steeds, talk to Calyrex at the Crown Shrine.": "你已经捕捉了两匹马,去王冠神殿找蕾冠王谈谈。", "Now that you have captured Calyrex, go report back to Peony!": "你已经捕捉了蕾冠王,回去向Peony报告!", "Talk to Peony to find out about some legendary bird sightings.": "与Peony谈谈,了解一些传说中的鸟类宝可梦目击事件。", "Tell Peony about your encounter with the birds resembling Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.": "告诉Peony你遇到类似急冻鸟、闪电鸟和火焰鸟的鸟类宝可梦。", "You defeated Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres multiple times each. Ask Peony what to do next.": "你多次击败伽勒尔急冻鸟、伽勒尔闪电鸟和伽勒尔火焰鸟,咨询Peony下一步应该做什么。", "Now that you have captured Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, go report back to Peony!": "你已经捕捉了伽勒尔急冻鸟伽、勒尔闪电鸟和伽勒尔火焰鸟,回去向Peony报告。", "Talk to Peony to find out about some ancient ruins.": "和Peony谈谈,了解一些古代遗迹。", "The ruins were locked, go report back to Peony.": "废墟被锁住了,回去向Peony报告。", "The ruins are still locked, report to Peony.": "废墟依旧被锁着,向Peony报告。", "You have captured Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, now go report back to Peony.": "你已经抓住了雷吉洛克、雷吉斯奇鲁和雷吉斯奇鲁,现在回去向Peony报告。", "You have captured Regigigas, now go report back to Peony.": "你已经抓住了雷吉奇卡斯,现在回去向Peony报告。", "You finally captured Regieleki and Regidrago. Go report back to Peony!": "你终于抓住了雷吉艾勒奇和雷吉铎拉戈,回去向Peony报告。", "Go home and open your Mystery Gift": "回家并打开你的神秘礼物。", "Talk to Dr. Splash in Hoppy Town.": "与跳跃镇的Splash博士谈谈。", "Report back to Dr. Splash about your berry research.": "向博士Splash汇报你的树果研究。", "Return to Dr. Splash in Hoppy Town with the training materials.": "带着培训材料,回到跳跃镇与Splash博士谈谈", "Return to Dr. Splash in Hoppy Town with the pushable Pokémon.": "带着可推送的宝可梦,回到跳跃镇与Splash博士谈谈。", "Wrap up your research project by talking to Dr. Splash in Hoppy Town.": "在跳跃镇和Splash博士交谈,来结束你的研究项目。" } Translation.CaptureSpecificPokemonQuest = { "Catch the desired Pokémon.": "捕捉想要的宝可梦。", "Catch or hatch Raikou": "捕捉或孵化雷公。", "Catch or hatch Entei": "捕捉或孵化炎帝。", "Catch Suicune.": "捕捉水君。", "Catch Lugia in the Whirl Islands.": "在漩涡岛捕捉洛奇亚。", "Catch Ho-Oh in the Tin Tower.": "在铃铛塔捕捉凤王。", "Play with the Celebi in Ilex Forest.": "在栎树林中与时拉比玩耍。", "Catch Rayquaza": "捕捉烈空坐。", "Catch Kyogre": "捕捉盖欧卡。", "Catch Groudon": "捕捉固拉多。", "Catch or Hatch Latias": "捕捉或孵化拉帝亚斯。", "Catch or Hatch Latios": "捕捉或孵化拉帝欧斯。", "Catch Regirock": "捕捉雷吉洛克。", "Catch Regice": "捕捉雷吉艾斯。", "Catch Registeel": "捕捉雷吉斯奇鲁。", "You are being stalked by Absol, the Disaster Pokémon. Capture it or hatch your own to befriend it.": "你被灾难宝可梦阿勃梭鲁跟踪,捕捉或孵化出来和他做朋友。", "Jirachi has escaped in the chaos and is roaming Hoenn. Catch or hatch Jirachi.": "基拉祈从混乱中逃了出来,在丰缘地区游荡,捕获或孵化基拉祈。", "Catch or hatch 100 Electrode": "捕捉或孵化顽皮雷弹。", "Calibrate the machine by catching or hatching 5 Groudon": "捕捉或孵化5只固拉多来校准机器。", "Catch the ruler of the Distortion World.": "捕捉毁坏的世界的统治者。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It has been spotted at some Lakes.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:在一些湖泊发现了他。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's surrounded by strong Pokémon.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他被强大的宝可梦包围着。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It has been spotted in a swamp.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:有人在沼泽里发现了他。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's hiding at a dark place.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他藏在一个黑暗的地方。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It flew into a factory.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他飞进了一家工厂。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It seems to like hot places.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他似乎喜欢炎热的地方。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's sitting on a swaying pillar.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他趴在一根摇摆的柱子上。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's visiting an abandoned and spooky place.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他在探访一个废弃而阴森的地方。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's flying around an overgrown place full of dreams.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他在一个充满梦想且杂草丛生的地方飞翔。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's currently in a City full of Electric-type Pokémon.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他在一个充满电属性宝可梦的城市。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It hides in a dark Forest.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他藏在黑暗的森林里。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's high up in the sky.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他在高高的天空中。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It got lost in the desert sand.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他在沙漠里迷路了。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It only shows up amongst the most beautiful flowers.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他只出现在最美的花中。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It has been spotted dancing in the moonlight.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:有人看见他在月光下跳舞。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It's surrounded by dragons.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:他被龙属性宝可梦包围着。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: It can be found at a very cold place.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:你可以在非常寒冷的地方找到他。", "Find and capture the rare Vivillon!\nHint: Only the strongest Challengers can reach it.": "找到并捕获罕见的彩粉蝶!\n提示:只有最强的挑战者才能到达。", "Capture Diancie in Reflection Cave.": "在镜穴捕捉蒂安希。", "Capture Nihilego 1 times! Nihilego has been spotted at Wela Volcano Park and Diglett's Tunnel!": "捕捉一只虚吾伊德!虚吾伊德出现在维拉火山公园和地鼠隧道!", "Capture Buzzwole 2 times! ": "捕捉2只爆肌蚊!", "Capture Pheromosa 4 times! ": "捕捉4只费洛美螂!", "Capture Xurkitree 2 times! Xurkitree has been spotted at Memorial Hill and Lush Jungle!": "捕捉2只电束木!电束木出现在回忆之丘和树荫丛林!", "Capture Kartana 4 times! ": "捕捉4只纸御剑!", "Capture Celesteela 2 times! ": "捕捉2只铁火辉夜!", "Capture Blacephalon 5 times! ": "捕捉5只砰头小丑!", "Capture Stakataka 5 times! ": "捕捉4只垒磊石!", "Catch Guzzlord at Resolution Cave.": "前往终结洞窟捕捉恶食大王!", "Catch 6 Galarian Slowpoke.": "捕捉6只伽勒尔呆呆兽。", "Catch Kubfu": "捕捉6只熊徒弟。", "Catch the missing Zarude roaming around the Isle of Armor.": "捕捉失踪的萨戮德,他在铠之孤岛漫游。", "Play with Flowering Celebi.": "与花朵时拉比玩耍。", "Catch Spectrier.": "捕捉灵幽马。", "Catch Glastrier.": "捕捉雪暴马。", "Now that you have found and caught Glastrier and Spectrier, Calyrex wants to challenge you at Crown Shrine. Catch it!": "你已经找到并捕捉了雪暴马和灵幽马, 蕾冠王想在王冠神殿挑战你,捕捉他。", "Catch Galarian Articuno.": "捕捉伽勒尔急冻鸟。", "Catch Galarian Zapdos.": "捕捉伽勒尔闪电鸟。", "Catch Galarian Moltres.": "捕捉伽勒尔火焰鸟。", "Catch Regirock.": "捕捉雷吉洛克。", "Catch Regice.": "捕捉雷吉艾斯。", "Catch Registeel.": "捕捉雷吉斯奇鲁。", "Catch Regigigas.": "捕捉雷吉奇卡斯。", "Catch Regieleki.": "捕捉雷吉艾勒奇。", "Catch Regidrago.": "捕捉雷吉铎拉戈。", "Catch Pikablu.": "捕捉玛力露。", "Catch or hatch 10 Spoink.": "捕捉或孵化10只跳跳猪。", "Catch or hatch 10 Voltorb.": "捕捉或孵化10只霹雳电球。", "Catch or hatch 10 Dwebble.": "捕捉或孵化10只石居蟹。", "Catch or hatch 10 Boldore.": "捕捉或孵化10只地幔岩。", "Catch or hatch 10 Forretress.": "捕捉或孵化10只佛烈托斯。", "Catch or hatch 10 Golem.": "捕捉或孵化10只隆隆岩。", "Catch or hatch 10 Steelix.": "捕捉或孵化10只大钢蛇。", "Catch or hatch 5 Ditto.": "捕捉或孵化5只百变怪。", "Catch or hatch 5 Alolan Grimer.": "捕捉或孵化5只阿罗拉臭泥。", "Catch or hatch 5 Slugma.": "捕捉或孵化5只熔岩虫。", "Catch or hatch 10 Gulpin.": "捕捉或孵化10只溶食兽。", "Catch or hatch 10 Magnemite.": "捕捉或孵化10只小磁怪。。", "Catch or hatch 10 Exeggcute.": "捕捉或孵化10只蛋蛋。", "Catch or hatch 15 Drowzee.": "捕捉或孵化15只催眠貘。", "Catch or hatch 15 Cubone.": "捕捉或孵化15只卡拉卡拉。", "Catch or hatch 15 Scyther.": "捕捉或孵化15只飞天螳螂。", "Catch or hatch 20 Kabuto.": "捕捉或孵化20只化石盔。", "Catch or hatch 20 Omanyte.": "捕捉或孵化20只菊石兽。", "Catch or hatch 20 Anorith.": "捕捉或孵化20只太古羽虫。", "Catch or hatch 20 Lileep.": "捕捉或孵化20只触手百合。", "Catch or hatch 20 Aerodactyl.": "捕捉或孵化20只化石翼龙。", "Catch 400 Meltan in Alola.": "前往阿罗拉地区捕捉400只美录坦。" } TranslationHelper.TownTranslation = { "Pallet Town": "真新镇", "Viridian City": "常青市", "Pewter City": "深灰市", "Route 3 Pokémon Center": "3号道路宝可梦中心", "Cerulean City": "华蓝市", "Bill's House": "Bill的房子", "Vermilion City": "枯叶市", "Lavender Town": "紫苑镇", "Celadon City": "玉虹市", "Saffron City": "金黄市", "Fuchsia City": "浅红市", "Cinnabar Island": "红莲岛", "Indigo Plateau Kanto": "关东石英高原", "One Island": "第1岛", "Mt. Ember": "灯火山", "Two Island": "第2岛", "Three Island": "第3岛", "Professor Ivy's Lab": "内木博士实验室", "Client Island": "客户端专属岛", "Four Island": "第4岛", "Five Island": "第5岛", "Rocket Warehouse": "火箭队仓库", "Six Island": "第6岛", "Dotted Hole": "点之穴", "Seven Island": "第7岛", "Mikan Island": "夏干岛", "Navel Island": "奈普鲁岛", "Trovita Island": "柚子岛", "Kumquat Island": "榴柑岛", "Pummelo Island": "柑橘岛", "Valencia Pokémon Center": "岱柑岛宝可梦中心", "Pinkan Pokémon Reserve": "平柑岛宝可梦保护区", "Viridian Forest": "常青森林", "Mt. Moon": "月见山", "Diglett's Cave": "地鼠洞穴", "Rock Tunnel": "岩山隧道", "Rocket Game Corner": "火箭游戏城", "Pokémon Tower": "宝可梦塔", "Silph Co.": "西尔佛公司", "Power Plant": "无人发电厂", "Seafoam Islands": "双子岛", "Pokémon Mansion": "宝可梦屋", "Mt. Ember Summit": "灯火山山顶", "Berry Forest": "果实树林", "Victory Road": "冠军之路", "Cerulean Cave": "华蓝洞窟", "Ruby Path": "红宝石道路", "Icefall Cave": "冻瀑洞窟", "Sunburst Island": "椪柑岛", "Lost Cave": "不归之穴", "Pattern Bush": "记号树林", "Altering Cave": "变化洞窟", "Tanoby Ruins": "阿斯卡纳遗迹", "Pinkan Mountain": "平柑山", "New Bark Town": "若叶镇", "Cherrygrove City": "吉花市", "Violet City": "桔梗市", "Azalea Town": "桧皮镇", "Goldenrod City": "满金市", "Ecruteak City": "缘朱市", "Olivine City": "浅葱市", "Cianwood City": "湛蓝市", "Mahogany Town": "卡吉镇", "Blackthorn City": "烟墨市", "Indigo Plateau Johto": "城都石英高原", "Sprout Tower": "喇叭芽之塔", "Ruins of Alph": "阿露福遗迹", "Union Cave": "互连洞", "Slowpoke Well": "呆呆兽之井", "Ilex Forest": "栎树林", "Burned Tower": "烧焦塔", "Tin Tower": "铃铛塔", "Whirl Islands": "漩涡岛", "Mt. Mortar": "擂钵山", "Team Rocket's Hideout": "火箭队基地", "Radio Tower": "满金电台", "Ice Path": "冰雪小径", "Dark Cave": "黑暗穴", "Tohjo Falls": "都城瀑布", "Victory Road Johto": "城都冠军之路", "Mt. Silver": "白银山", "Littleroot Town": "未白镇", "Oldale Town": "古玫镇", "Petalburg City": "橙华市", "Rustboro City": "卡那兹市", "Dewford Town": "武斗市", "Slateport City": "凯那市", "Mauville City": "紫堇市", "Verdanturf Town": "绿茵镇", "Mt. Chimney": "烟囱山", "Fallarbor Town": "秋叶镇", "Lavaridge Town": "釜炎镇", "Fish Shop": "鲤鱼王商店", "Fortree City": "茵郁市", "Wind Chime Shop": "风铃商店", "Lilycove City": "水静市", "Mossdeep City": "绿岭市", "Pacifidlog Town": "暮水镇", "Sootopolis City": "琉璃市", "Ever Grande City": "彩悠市", "Battle Frontier": "对战开拓区", "Pokémon League Hoenn": "丰缘宝可梦联盟", "Southern Island": "南方孤岛", "Petalburg Woods": "卡绿森林", "Rusturf Tunnel": "卡绿隧道", "Granite Cave": "石之洞窟", "Fiery Path": "烈焰小径", "Meteor Falls": "流星瀑布", "Mt. Chimney Crater": "烟囱山口", "Jagged Pass": "凹凸山道", "New Mauville": "新紫堇", "Weather Institute": "天气研究所", "Mt. Pyre": "送神山", "Magma Hideout": "熔岩队基地", "Aqua Hideout": "海洋队基地", "Shoal Cave": "浅滩洞穴", "Cave of Origin": "觉醒神殿", "Seafloor Cavern": "海底洞窟", "Sky Pillar": "天空之柱", "Victory Road Hoenn": "丰缘冠军之路", "Sealed Chamber": "布告石室", "Twinleaf Town": "双叶镇", "Sandgem Town": "真砂镇", "Jubilife City": "祝庆市", "Oreburgh City": "黑金市", "Floaroma Town": "花苑镇", "Eterna City": "百代市", "Mt. Coronet": "天冠山", "Hearthome City": "家缘市", "Solaceon Town": "随意镇", "Veilstone City": "帷幕市", "Pastoria City": "野原市", "Celestic Town": "神和镇", "Pal Park": "伙伴公园", "Canalave City": "水脉市", "Snowpoint City": "雪峰市", "Sunyshore City": "滨海市", "Fight Area": "战斗区", "Survival Area": "生存区", "Resort Area": "名胜区", "Pokémon League Sinnoh": "神奥宝可梦联盟", "Oreburgh Gate": "黑金闸口", "Valley Windworks": "山谷发电厂", "Eterna Forest": "百代森林", "Old Chateau": "森之洋馆", "Team Galactic Eterna Building": "银河百代大楼", "Wayward Cave": "迷幻洞窟", "Mt. Coronet South": "天冠山南", "Solaceon Ruins": "随意遗迹", "Iron Island": "钢铁岛", "Lake Valor": "立志湖", "Lake Verity": "心齐湖", "Mt. Coronet North": "天冠山北", "Lake Acuity": "睿智湖", "Team Galactic HQ": "银河队基地", "Spear Pillar": "枪之柱", "Distortion World": "毁坏的世界", "Victory Road Sinnoh": "神奥冠军之路", "Sendoff Spring": "送行之泉", "Hall of Origin": "起始之殿", "Fullmoon Island": "满月岛", "Newmoon Island": "新月岛", "Flower Paradise": "花之乐园", "Stark Mountain": "严酷山", "Snowpoint Temple": "雪峰神殿", "Aspertia City": "桧扇市", "Floccesy Town": "算木镇", "Virbank City": "立涌市", "Castelia City": "飞云市", "A Perfectly Ordinary Frigate": "非常普通的驱逐舰", "Nimbasa City": "雷文市", "Driftveil City": "帆巴市", "A Totally Unsuspicious Frigate": "完全不可疑的驱逐舰", "Mistralton City": "吹寄市", "Lentimas Town": "山路镇", "Undella Town": "涟漪镇", "Lacunosa Town": "笼目镇", "Opelucid City": "双龙市", "Team Plasma Assault": "等离子突击队", "Shopping Mall Nine": "R9购物广场", "Humilau City": "青海波市", "Icirrus City": "雪花市", "Black and White Park": "黑白花园", "Nacrene City": "七宝市", "Striaton City": "三曜市", "Accumula Town": "唐草镇", "Nuvema Town": "鹿子镇", "Anville Town": "金轮镇", "Pokémon League Unova": "合众宝可梦联盟", "Pledge Grove": "算木镇", "Floccesy Ranch": "算木牧场", "Liberty Garden": "自由庭园岛", "Castelia Sewers": "飞云下水道", "Relic Passage": "古代秘道", "Relic Castle": "古代城", "Lostlorn Forest": "迷幻森林", "Chargestone Cave": "电气石洞穴", "Mistralton Cave": "吹寄洞穴", "Celestial Tower": "天堂之塔", "Reversal Mountain": "反转山", "Seaside Cave": "海边洞穴", "Plasma Frigate": "等离子驱逐舰", "Giant Chasm": "巨人洞窟", "Cave of Being": "心之空洞", "Abundant Shrine": "丰饶之祠", "Victory Road Unova": "合众冠军之路", "Twist Mountain": "罗斯山", "Dragonspiral Tower": "龙螺旋之塔", "Moor of Icirrus": "雪花湿地", "Pinwheel Forest": "矢车森林", "Dreamyard": "梦的遗址", "P2 Laboratory": "P2实验室", "Vaniville Town": "朝香镇", "Aquacorde Town": "名水镇", "Santalune City": "白檀市", "Lumiose City": "密阿雷市", "Camphrier Town": "古木镇", "Parfum Palace": "巴尔法姆香殿", "Ambrette Town": "古香镇", "Cyllage City": "遥香市", "Geosenge Town": "石香镇", "Shalour City": "娑罗市", "Coumarine City": "比翼市", "Laverre City": "香薰市", "Dendemille Town": "风絮镇", "Anistar City": "百刻市", "Couriway Town": "连理镇", "Snowbelle City": "映雪市", "Kiloude City": "奇楠市", "Pokémon League Kalos": "卡洛斯宝可梦联盟", "Santalune Forest": "白檀森林", "Connecting Cave": "串连地洞", "Glittering Cave": "闪耀洞窟", "Reflection Cave": "镜穴", "Sea Spirit's Den": "海神之穴", "Poké Ball Factory": "精灵球工厂", "Kalos Power Plant": "卡洛斯发电厂", "Lost Hotel": "荒废酒店", "Frost Cavern": "冰结洞窟", "Team Flare Secret HQ": "闪焰队秘密基地", "Terminus Cave": "终结洞窟", "Pokémon Village": "宝可梦村", "Victory Road Kalos": "卡洛斯冠军之路,", "Iki Town Outskirts": "利利小镇市郊", "Iki Town": "利利小镇", "Professor Kukui's Lab": "库库伊博士实验室", "Hau'oli City": "好奥乐市", "Melemele Woods": "美乐美乐森林", "Roadside Motel": "路尚汽车旅馆", "Heahea City": "慷待市", "Paniola Town": "欧哈纳镇", "Royal Avenue": "皇家大道", "Konikoni City": "可霓可市", "Aether Paradise": "以太乐园", "Malie City": "马利埃静市", "Tapu Village": "卡璞村", "Seafolk Village": "海洋居民之村", "Exeggutor Island": "椰蛋树岛", "Altar of the Sunne and Moone": "日月祭坛", "Pokémon League Alola": "阿罗拉宝可梦联盟", "A Tree Maybe": "对战树", "Hoppy Town": "跳跃镇", "Friend League": "友友联盟", "Quick League": "先机联盟", "Heavy League": "沉重联盟", "Great League": "超级联盟", "Fast League": "速度联盟", "Luxury League": "豪华联盟", "Heal League": "治愈联盟", "Ultra League": "高级联盟", "Elite Four League": "四天王联盟", "Master League": "大师联盟", "Magikarp's Eye": "鲤鱼王之眼", "Trainers' School": "训练家学校", "Hau'oli Cemetery": "好奥乐墓园", "Verdant Cavern": "葱郁洞窟", "Melemele Meadow": "美乐美乐花园", "Seaward Cave": "通海洞穴", "Ten Carat Hill": "十克拉山丘", "Pikachu Valley": "皮卡丘山谷", "Paniola Ranch": "欧哈纳牧场", "Brooklet Hill": "潺潺之丘", "Wela Volcano Park": "维拉火山公园", "Lush Jungle": "树荫丛林", "Diglett's Tunnel": "地鼠隧道", "Memorial Hill": "回忆之丘", "Malie Garden": "马利埃庭园", "Hokulani Observatory": "辉克拉尼天文台", "Thrifty Megamart": "超值超市旧址", "Ula'ula Meadow": "乌拉乌拉花园", "Po Town": "魄镇", "Aether Foundation": "以太基金会", "Exeggutor Island Hill": "椰蛋树山丘", "Vast Poni Canyon": "波尼大峡谷", "Mina's Houseboat": "Mina的游艇", "Mount Lanakila": "拉纳基拉山", "Lake of the Sunne and Moone": "日月湖", "Ruins of Conflict": "战争遗迹", "Ruins of Life": "生命遗迹", "Ruins of Abundance": "丰收遗迹", "Ruins of Hope": "彼岸遗迹", "Poni Meadow": "波尼花园", "Resolution Cave": "终结洞窟", "Postwick": "化朗镇", "Slumbering Weald": "微寐森林", "Wedgehurst": "木杆镇", "Professor Magnolia's House": "木兰博士家", "Motostoke": "机擎市", "Turffield": "草路镇", "Hulbury": "水舟镇", "Stow-on-Side": "溯传镇", "Ballonlea": "舞姿镇", "Hammerlocke": "拳关市", "Circhester": "战竞镇", "Spikemuth": "尖钉镇", "Wyndon": "宫门市", "Wyndon Stadium": "宫门竞技场", "Armor Station": "铠岛驿站", "Master Dojo": "马师傅武馆", "Master Dojo Battle Court": "马师傅武馆决斗场", "Crown Tundra Station": "王冠雪原驿站", "Freezington": "冻凝村", "Slumbering Weald Shrine": "微寐森林神殿", "Galar Mine": "伽勒尔矿山", "Galar Mine No. 2": "第二矿山", "Glimwood Tangle": "迷光森林", "Rose Tower": "洛兹大厦", "Energy Plant": "能源工厂", "Dusty Bowl": "沙尘洼地", "Courageous Cavern": "斗志洞窟", "Brawlers' Cave": "战斗洞窟", "Warm-Up Tunnel": "热身洞穴", "Tower of Darkness": "恶之塔", "Tower of Waters": "水之塔", "Roaring-Sea Caves": "海鸣洞窟", "Rock Peak Ruins": "岩山遗迹", "Iron Ruins": "黑金遗迹", "Iceberg Ruins": "冰山遗迹", "Split-Decision Ruins": "抉择遗迹", "Lakeside Cave": "湖畔洞窟", "Dyna Tree Hill": "巨树丘陵", "Tunnel to the Top": "登顶隧道", "Crown Shrine": "王冠神殿", "Final Region Town": "最后区域小镇" } const TownTranslation = TranslationHelper.TownTranslation; const TownRawText = {}; TranslationHelper.TownRawText = TownRawText; //储存未使用的汉化文本,方便游戏版本更新校对 const UnusedTranslation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Translation)); TranslationHelper.UnusedTranslation = UnusedTranslation; const UnusedTownTranslation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(TownTranslation)); TranslationHelper.UnusedTownTranslation = UnusedTownTranslation; //批量hook任务 Object.keys(Translation).forEach(i => i != 'QuestLine' && hookDescription(i)) //汉化城镇 Object.values(TownList).forEach(i => { const name = TownTranslation[i.name] if (name) { delete UnusedTownTranslation[i.name] i.displayName = name } else { console.log('未汉化TownName', i.name) TownRawText[i.name] = '' i.displayName = i.name } }) //修改城镇文本显示绑定 $('[data-bind="text: player.town().name"]').attr('data-bind', "text: player.town().displayName") //$('[data-town]').each((_,i)=>(name=$(i).attr('data-town'),$(i).attr('data-town',TownTranslation[name] || name))) //一行触发3个eslint也是服了 $('[data-town]').each(function () { const name = $(this).attr('data-town') $(this).attr('data-town', TownTranslation[name] || name) })